Tacos are a favourite food, but I turned my back on them when went paleo. Even the corn tortillas don't cut it. The Aussie Paleo chef has shared this awesome paleo tack shell option with us. Can you guess what it is? Read on to find out!
This is a delicious paleo burger recipe by Daniel Barrett, the Aussie Paleo Chef. It uses grass fed & finished beef mince that is high in Omega 3s, CLAs, Vitamin A and E. The beef is from an OptimOZ cow share and sourced from Grass Roots Urban Butchery where they know exactly how to grind mince in order to preserve the flavour. Wondering what the 'bun' is made of? Check out the recipe to find out!
Dr Justin Marchegiani presents a framework for managing and eliminating stress in the form of four dimensions of resilience: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. We share 20 lifestyle biohacks that address each area.
OptimOZ caught up with Dave Asprey, the Bulletproof Executive himself to talk about his thoughts on leading the Bulletproof lifestyle in Australia. Dave is a man who likely needs no introduction to our audience but you can read more about him here. In this podcast we talk kangaroo meat, vegemite, the bbq, bone broth (make some fast with great lakes gelatine) and also some sneak peaks at whats in the product pipeline for the BP guys (including Upgraded Collagen!)
Did you know that antibiotics can compromise your hormonal system for up to 2 years even after you've stopped taking them? Lara Briden is a naturopathic doctor originally from Canada. She has been practising for 17 years and over 2000 patients have been under her care. She now practices in Australia as a registered Naturopath. She runs the Healthy Hormone Blog at larabriden.com and runs here practice from the Sensible-Alternative Hormone Clinic in Sydney. Her specialty is working with women’s hormones and thyroid issues. The focus of our podcast is how antibiotics have long lasting effects on your hormonal health. Valuable intel for women and men alike!
Organic Turmeric is an Australian owned and operated manufacturer of the highest quality turmeric supplement we have been able to find locally. In this interview with founder Garuda Nicolle, we learn some surprising facts about the power of turmeric as wide-spectrum wellness nutrient. Interestingly, Garuda does not advocate the habitual consumption of supplements. In this 40 minute podcast, Garuda shares some great insights, but his one key takeaway message for us is to have an awareness of our physical and mental well-being and how whole foods like turmeric can help us maintain and improve wellness.
The problem is fluorescent (and LED - think about your computer/tablet/phone screen) lamps and the light that they generate. Blue blocker glasses will provide the best protection for you while you are at work, and you can also put a filament task lamp on your desk to slightly improve the visual environment.
One of my “go to” Bulletproof desserts is this delicious treat! Its an unexpected combination of flavours (and ingredients) but you can’t beat it for a healthy, Bulletproof replica of a traditional dessert. Trust me, if you get it right it will come out as a chocolatey delight with the consistency of a mousse!