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Primal Collective

Vegan Omega-3 Softgels 500mg DHA 300mg EPA Non-Fish

Marine Algae is what fish and krill eat to get their EPA and DHA Omega-3s. All natural and lab tested for freshness and concentration. A plant-based formidable non-fish alternative. 100% Vegan. Sustainable. Hexane-Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

90 softgels per bottle.

Primal Collective™ Omega 3 is the highest quality plant-based Omega 3 DHA/EPA supplement on the market with the lab tests to prove it.  500mg DHA & 300mg EPA per serving. Made from marine algae, it is Gluten Free. Non-Fish, free from wild ocean pollutants and heavy metals. No oxidation.
Latest batch test results (October 2024) per serving (2 capsules)
DHA 574mg
EPA  299mg

p.AV <1.0 -
Peroxide Value 3.1 meq O2 per kg
TOTOX = <4.1
Mercury  <0.010 mg/kg (not detected)
The Global Organization for EPA and DHA, a trade group for the omega-3 supplement
industry, recommends that all omega-3 supplements have a TOTOX ≤ 26. However,
several recent studies have found that many omega-3 supplements are highly oxidized,
with more than half of those tested exceeding this figure. Look for products with a
TOTOX <10.

  • Omega 3s (DHA / EPA / DPA / ALA) are essential fatty acids used for optimal brain, heart and eye health. The human brain is 60% fat, with DHA making up the predominant part of the CNS. Omega 3s compete with Omega 6s for the same enzymes in the human body. Omega 3 metabolites are anti-inflammatory, while the Omega-6 metabolites cause inflammation. The modern western diet is typically 20 times higher in Omega-6 than Omega-3. This is different to our ancestral ratio of 1:1. This shift has occurred over the past century and correlates with the rise in lifestyle diseases. The rational is that it is best to adapt your diet to reduce consumption of Omega-6. In addition, this supplement may help to bring your intake ratio into a more favourable zone.

    We use marine algae oil rather than fish or krill oil because:

    1. It provides a meaningful 800mg dose of Omega 3s. Each of our batches is tested to ensure a minimum of 300 EPA and 500 DHA is supplied per serving. You will find so called 'high strength' marketed supplements on store shelves with far less.
    2. It is sustainable. Claims around the sustainable harvesting of krill and fish from the ocean are over-reaching. There is no need to cause harm to animals for our benefit. Nature is to be observed, admired and emulated. Not disturbed.
    3. Marine Algae is grown in a pharmaceutical grade aqua farm, free of pollutants. Also, we're not stealing from the ocean food chain.
    4. It makes sense. Krill and fish do not make Omega 3 oils. They get them by eating marine algae.
    5. Every Batch is Lab tested in Australia to substantiate claims and ensure there is no rancidity or heavy metal contamination.

    Manufacturer: Primalcollective.com

    Primal Collective™ is a Sydney based business that aims to cause a shift in modern dietary habits using the wisdom of our ancestral and traditional lifestyles. All ingredients in our product range are carefully selected to ensure they are of ethical and sustainable origin. See more Primal Collective foods and supplements. Primal Collective™ offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all our products.

  • Algae is one of earth's most ancient organisms. They are the base of the ocean food chain, similar to plankton. This is good for several reasons:

    Toxins and heavy metals like mercury bioaccumulate as we progress up the food chain. So larger fish like tuna contain higher levels. It's no trivial matter. Doctors advise pregnant mothers to avoid fish consumption because of the mercury risk posed.

    Claims of potency made on fish oil supplements are debatable. Tests have revealed several offer a mere fraction of what is claimed, in many cases due to oxidation (spoilage). Listen to the audio track above.

    The algae is grown in an aqua farm. This pharmaceutical grade facility is free from exposure to environmental contaminants.

    Commonly known marine animal sources of Omega 3 (Krill or Fish Oil) are being unsustainably fished. Krill oil is a source of food for thousands of species of marine animals. Their populations have been decimated because we humans have been unknowingly stealing their food. There will be long-term repercussions. 

    Krill and fish are wild-caught which means toxins, heavy metals and plastic waste byproducts will be present*

    Unfortunately, most supplement brands will not give you any test results to show that the product you are buying contains the levels of EPA/DHA claimed and that the product is free from contamination.

    Primal Collective™ Omega 3 is created using a hexane-free distillation process. This ensures the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA are obtained without compromising their integrity.

    *Look after your own health: As zooplankton mistakenly eat microplastics, the toxin-containing plastics are also eaten by jellyfish and small fish, which are then eaten by larger fish. Many of the same fish are then eaten by humans, resulting in their ingestion of toxic chemicals — take animals off your plate and consume a healthy plant-based diet. Fish are only rich in omega 3 because they eat algae (a plant!) and humans are able to obtain adequate amounts of omega 3 from flaxseeds, walnuts, chia and hemp seeds, and nori**.

    **Omega 3 Fatty acids come in the forms: ALA, EPA, DHA and DPA. The sources listed above all provide ALA which needs to be converted into EPA and DHA before it can be used by the body. Unfortunately, the conversion process is very inefficient. That means one is unlikely to obtain the recommended daily dose through consuming these (healthy) foods alone. DHA is a unique nutrient that should be regularly consumed as oily fish or supplemented as fish oil or algal supplements. In addition, a diet consisting of pasture-fed livestock and poultry will provide meat and eggs with higher proportions of DHA. Fortified bread and milk will also provide higher levels of DHA. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257695/)
  • Ingredients:

    Microalgal oils, helianthus annuus oil, antioxidants (rosemary extract, tocopherols (vit.E), ascorbyl palmitate (vit.C)), vitamin D (100UI per capsule), vegetarian capsule shell (modified starch, vegan glycerol, carrageenan seaweed*, sodium carbonate)

    Serving Size: 2 Capsules delivering  300 EPA, 500 DHA and 200 UI of Vitamin D
    90 capsules per bottle (30 servings)


    Why do you use Carrageenan?

    We use a small amount of Carrageenan (which is of seaweed origin) to form our vegan capsule. It is a brilliant alternative to animal-derived gelatine. The level we use is incredibly low, and its safety has been extensively proven. We are aware of concerns that surfaced a few years ago, specifically with degraded Carrageenan (which is actually known as poligeenan and not permitted in food anyway) in animals. We use pharmaceutical-quality, refined material. Its safety has been continuously ratified by all authorities including US FDA and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

    Is Ascorbyl Palmitate from Palm Oil?

    Ascorbyl Palmitate is Vitamin C (in an oily form). It is not from Palm Oil, despite how it sounds. It is made using Palmitic Acid, which is a fatty acid found in many vegetable oils including Sunflower, which we use.

    Dosage Guidelines 
    RDI: At least 500mg/day
    2000 to 4000 mg/day of Omega-3 EPA/DHA –  for people with high triglycerides

    It's estimated that Australians are getting about 160mg of DHA + EPA per day. For disease prevention, the Heart Foundation and International guidelines generally recommend at least 500mg DHA + EPA per day for children and adults. The dose is higher for nursing women, people with high triglycerides (1200mg > 4000mg)

    Vegans and Vegetarians should actively seek out DHA rich food sources or supplement.

    For mood and stress conditions: 1000mg per day.

    Important Note: Dosing should be based on the amount of EPA and DHA, not on the total amount of Omega 3s. All supplements vary in the amounts and ratios of EPA and DHA.

    Adults Do not take more than 3 grams daily of omega-3 fatty acids from capsules without the supervision of a health care provider, due to an increased risk of bleeding. For healthy adults with no history of heart disease: The AHA recommends eating fish at least 2 times per week. For adults with coronary heart disease: The AHA recommends an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, 1 gram daily of EPA and DHA. It may take 2 to 3 weeks before you experience changes.

    You should take supplements under the direction of a physician. For adults with high cholesterol levels: The AHA recommends an omega-3 fatty acid supplement of 2 to 4 grams daily of EPA and DHA. It may take 2 to 3 weeks to experience benefits. Supplements should always be taken under the direction of a physician.

    Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, you should only take dietary supplements under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider. Omega-3 fatty acids should be used cautiously by people who bruise easily, have a bleeding disorder, or take blood-thinners. High doses of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding, even in people without a history of bleeding disorders, and even in those who are not taking other medications.

  • DHA is the physiologically-essential nutrient needed in the brain and retina for cognitive functioning and visual acuity, respectively. DHA supplementation of infant formula (containing ALA ) has been found to enhance cognitive performance in term infants. Conversion efficiencies of ALA to DHA in human trials have been determined to range from 0-9%. Higher dietary intakes of ALA (increasing intakes by 1,200 mg/day) have been associated with an approximate 20% lower risk of fatal heart disease whereas higher fish intakes (up to and including 5 servings/week providing approximately 650 mg DHA/EPA combined/day) have been associated with an approximate 40% lowering of CHD mortality based on epidemiological studies. In general, stronger inverse relations between blood levels of EPA plus DHA and fatal cardiac events have been found than for ALA. Most of the favorable effects of DHA/EPA ingestion on various risk factors for cardiovascular disease (via controlled interventional trials) including blood triglyceride-lowering are not found or matched by equivalent intakes of ALA. In contrast to ALA intakes, current dietary intakes of DHA/EPA in North America appear to be very much below target intakes for optimal human health and the prevention/management of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors.

    The body is very inefficient at converting ALA into the useful EPA or DHA forms. 

    If you have type 2 diabetes, use fish oil supplements only under the supervision of a health care provider.

    Although studies suggest that eating fish (which includes the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA) may reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a more recent study including 2 large groups of men and women found that diets rich in ALA may increase the risk of this disease. Until more information becomes available, people with macular degeneration should get omega-3 fatty acids from sources of EPA and DHA, rather than ALA.

    More research in this area is needed. Some fish may contain potentially harmful contaminants, such as heavy metals (including mercury), dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Buy Omega3 from a reputable source that tests for mercury and pesticide residues in its products.

    In an animal study, researchers noticed that when female mice were fed an omega-6-rich/omega-3-poor diet, their offsprings were born with a smaller brain and showed abnormal emotional behaviour in adulthood. A diet that contains a good balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is known to improve the development of brain functions; this is based on earlier researches that evaluated the effects of maternal intake of an omega-3-poor diet on brain function in children.

    The new study took this premise further and focused on the effects of dietary lipids on the brain formation. The results reveal why omega-6 and omega-3 balance is important for future brain function, and reinforces earlier suggestions that more fish intake by women during pregnancy can advantageously affect the child's health.

    This is significant because people in many countries these days have similarly poor dietary patterns and tend to consume more seed oils that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and less fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.medicalxpress.com/news/2016-01-fish-intake-pregnant-women-growth.html

    Possible Interactions

    If you are currently being treated with any blood thinners, you should not use omega-3 fatty acid supplements, including EPA, DHA, and ALA, without first talking to your health care provider. Omega-3 fatty acids may increase the effects of blood-thinning medications, Taking omega-3 fatty acids in combination may be helpful in some circumstances (such as in heart disease), but you should only take them together under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider. Diabetes medications: Taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements may increase fasting blood sugar levels. Talk to your doctor if you are taking medications to lower blood sugar.  Cholesterol-lowering medications: Following dietary guidelines, including increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet and reducing the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, may help a group of cholesterol-lowering medications called statins work more effectively. In an animal study, treatment with omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of ulcers from NSAIDs. More research is needed to see whether omega-3 fatty acids would have the same effects in people.

    Demand for omega-3 wiping out krill stocks: Sea Shepherd Read: https://www.smh.com.au/environment/whale-watch/call-for-omega3-alternatives-20150702-gi3o7n

  • Can I get Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids through the food I eat?

    Ideally you would get all the Omega 3 (specifically DHA and EPA) through the food you eat. However, due to lifestyle or dietary choices, this may not be the case. Flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and many oily fish species like salmon can support a healthy diet rich in Omega 3s. But be aware of what form you are getting: ALA, DHA, EPA or DPA. With the exception of marine plant species, all vegetarian sources of Omega 3 provide ALA which is inefficiently converted by the body into EPA and DHA before being utilised.

    I already eat lots of walnuts, flaxseed and other ALA rich foods. Why would I take a supplement?

    The body requires Omega 3s in the form of DHA, EPA and DPA. ALA needs to first be converted before your body can utilise it. The conversion process is extremely inefficient. That means the quantity you would need to consume to achieve a meaningful dose would be impractical.

    Ten key papers published over the last 10 years were identified with seven intervention studies reporting that ALA from nut and seed oils was not converted to DHA at all. Three studies showed that ingestion of micro-algae oil led to significant increases in blood erythrocyte and plasma DHA. Further work is now needed to identify optimal doses of alternative vegetarian LC3PUFAs and how these can be integrated within daily diets. The potential role of algal oils appears to be particularly promising and an area in which further research is warranted. - Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24261532

    I heard Krill oil has better bioavailability, that's why the DHA and EPA in those capsules is less than in fish oil...

    This debate has been raging for years. The first thing to recognise is that each industry will lobby the merits of their own product. There is an economic interest. The krill oil industry says they are better than fish oil because the form of the oils is more bioavailable and that it contains the the naturally-occurring antioxidant astaxanthin, albeit in insignificant quantities. Looking at the science, a recent study concluded that similar EPA and DHA levels were achieved across fish and krill oil products when matched for dose. This was a four week study.
    Both industries claim that they observe sustainable fishing practices. It's a bit like the palm oil industry self-proclaiming themselves 'sustainable'.  The Omega 3 industry as a whole, recognise marine algae as the source of the future. Oil rancidity (oxidised) in fish oil has been widely reported. The fish oil industry promptly denounced the quality of the studies that led to those claims.

Customer Reviews

Based on 271 reviews
Carly (Adelaide, AU)
Algae oil

Have been wanting to switch from fish oil to a good quality algae oil while also ensuring I consume enough omega-3s. Love these, thank you!

Natalie (Sydney, AU)
Great support

No aftertaste, easy to swallow and clean ingredients. Perfect for an omega boost. Will definitely buy again.

David Jones (Bracknell, GB)
Great product

been using the product for about three years , seems to be working well

NM (Sydney, AU)
Such a difference in memory

I have used other vegan omegas before but not noticed enough of a difference to be worth my while. I have had brain fog and some memory issues since a bad round of influenza A earlier this year. As long as I take this consistently it makes all the difference. The person who recommended this advised I start with 2 caps, 3 x daily with each meal before reducing to 1 cap, 3 x daily. Definitely well worth the extra cost in comparison to what is available in my local chemist.

The only DHA & EPA you’ll need!

So very happy with, product and the service. Can’t wait to remeasure my omega levels in a few months to see how they have improved.