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Welcome to OptimOZ! The Biohacker Store. Free Delivery over $99 in Australia.
by Guest Author 3 min read
In this edition of Biohacking Weekly:
1. How does a navy seal manage stress?
2. The five "tactical domains" of longevity.
3. Low-carb diet could help cure obesity and type 2 diabetes.
4. Liposomal glutathione: a powerful "master antioxidant".
5. Book review: Why We Get Sick by Dr. Ben Bikman
by Guest Author 8 min read
The modern population is stressed more than ever. One of the potential causes is our inability to switch on and switch off between the tasks. Instead, we are constantly on our toes ready to react to something and it's becoming exhausting.
The author, also shares practical advice on how to reduce stress and anxiety by working with our nervous system and getting into parasympathetic mode, in particular.
by Guest Author 4 min read
Learning to regulate the nervous system and better manage stress is a skill. Mira Rao, resilient-life coach, yoga teacher and writer teaches the "Regular Regulation" practice aimed to reduce stress by regulating the nervous system.
She is talking about the importance of taking proactive steps and practicing stress reduction techniques long before the major stress happens. Mira also teaches a simple breathing exercise that anyone can easily incorporate into their daily life.
by Guest Author 6 min read
Can you sit by yourself without distraction and simply observe your thoughts without the need to judge or react? Lex Stuart shares her two year meditation journey and the lessons learned along the way.
Meditation is a practice that is proven to have numerous benefits including stress reduction, better concentration and focus, improved mental health and more. But where should one begin?
Lex Stuart talks about her wins and struggles, as well as insights from her personal experience. Finally, she shares how meditation has taught her to be her own teacher through self-communication and consistency.
by Kunal K 6 min read
We all know that stress is the body's natural response to perceived danger. Unfortunately, the modern world presents us with too many everyday situations that trigger our flight-or-fight mechanism and can potentially make stress a chronic condition.
In order to live a full, happy life and protect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, we need to learn ways to become more resilient, reduce and even prevent undue stress.
by Guest Author 6 min read
by Will Matte 7 min read
The stress response is a powerful force that can be beneficial or harmful, depending on the circumstances. This article will explain the science behind beneficial stress, who benefits from it, and how to achieve it naturally.
Performers call it ‘the zone,’ that state of complete focus where distractions disappear, senses sharpen, and performance is optimised. The zone is a real thing, and to the scientific community, this mind state is called eustress–beneficial stress–or flow.
by Oksana Movchan 7 min read
We’ve all felt our hearts race during tense situations or exciting moments, and we’ve all used our thumping chests as proof of a good workout. So we know firsthand that our heart is tuned in to our mental, emotional, and physical states.
These states are communicated to our heart by our autonomic nervous system which regulates many organs and unconscious processes in our body. It can be divided into two branches that have opposite effects on the heart: your sympathetic nervous system kicks in during stress (like exercise) and ramps your heart rate up. Your parasympathetic nervous system slows your heart down when it’s time to relax and share a meal with the family.
by Guest Author 8 min read
Stress takes its toll in many ways - and its effect is compounding. Dr Justin Marchegiani presents a framework for managing and eliminating stress in the form of four dimensions of resilience: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Here are 10 stress management biohacks that address each area.
by Kunal K 3 min read
EmWave, Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Vagal Tone. These are all terms that bio-hackers have heard and know about to some degree. One of the leaders in this space is the HeartMath institute and Rollin McCraty from HeartMath was one of the presenters at the third day of the Bulletproof Conference 2013. We want to share some of the lessons we learnt from his presentation.
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