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Welcome to OptimOZ! The Biohacker Store. Free Delivery over $99 in Australia.
by Kunal K 4 min read
Dr. Eric Berg is a chiropractor who specialises in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods and is a world-renowned ketogenic diet expert, published writer, and author of the bestselling book “The 7 Principles of Fat Burning”.
In this post, he gives practical recommendations on what to look for when buying eggs, as well as the healthiest way to cook and eat eggs for maximum benefits.
by Kunal K 2 min read
In a population of 786 Australian elders, higher concentrations of carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) and vitamin C in plasma were associated with longer Telomere Length, which is positively correlated with longevity.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found in the egg yolks that concentrate mostly in the human eyes retina and macula, and to a lesser extent, in the liver and brain. Both of these compounds can help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts.
by Guest Author 5 min read
In this post, Dr. Berg describes the numerous health benefits of eating eggs: One of the key reasons that I consume eggs on a regular basis is not only do I enjoy it, but eggs have the greatest anabolic effect out of all the food options around. Anabolic means that it's contributing to growth. Building muscle protein.
48% of egg actually turns into your body tissue and that's pretty much the highest, not counting breast milk. Moreover, cholesterol and fat in the yolk actually help in the anabolic effect.
Egg whites have really low amounts of essential fatty acids, while egg yolk contains most of the nutrition.
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