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Welcome to OptimOZ! The Biohacker Store. Free Delivery over $99 in Australia.
by Guest Author 4 min read
Learning to regulate the nervous system and better manage stress is a skill. Mira Rao, resilient-life coach, yoga teacher and writer teaches the "Regular Regulation" practice aimed to reduce stress by regulating the nervous system.
She is talking about the importance of taking proactive steps and practicing stress reduction techniques long before the major stress happens. Mira also teaches a simple breathing exercise that anyone can easily incorporate into their daily life.
by Kunal K 6 min read
We all know that stress is the body's natural response to perceived danger. Unfortunately, the modern world presents us with too many everyday situations that trigger our flight-or-fight mechanism and can potentially make stress a chronic condition.
In order to live a full, happy life and protect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, we need to learn ways to become more resilient, reduce and even prevent undue stress.
by Guest Author 6 min read
Brett Melanson, a PhD Candidate in Behavioural Neuroscience, describes how exogenous ketone supplementation, precisely in the form of ketone esters, can enhance performance and possibly reduce anxiety-like state. Combining ketone esters with ketone-salts or MCTs may also enhance motor performance. The addition of keto esters to a ketogenic diet may also provide benefit in reducing the long-term elevations in lipid and cholesterol that can arise from a persistent ketogenic diet alone.
Nowadays, the idea of ketone ester diet has already been utilised by nutritional companies like Ketone Aid, which received positive feedback from athletes claiming a boost to their typical performance compared to training without the ketone ester supplementation.
by Guest Author 5 min read
In this post, Dr. Berg describes the numerous health benefits of eating eggs: One of the key reasons that I consume eggs on a regular basis is not only do I enjoy it, but eggs have the greatest anabolic effect out of all the food options around. Anabolic means that it's contributing to growth. Building muscle protein.
48% of egg actually turns into your body tissue and that's pretty much the highest, not counting breast milk. Moreover, cholesterol and fat in the yolk actually help in the anabolic effect.
Egg whites have really low amounts of essential fatty acids, while egg yolk contains most of the nutrition.
by Guest Author 8 min read
by Guest Author 6 min read
by Oksana Movchan 2 min read
by Guest Author 4 min read
by Guest Author 6 min read
“Even though it is common knowledge, it never ceases to amaze me that all the richness of our mental life - all our feelings, our emotions, our thoughts, our ambitions, our love lives, our religious sentiments and even what each of us regards as his or her own intimate private self - is simply the activity of these little specks of jelly in our heads, in our brains. There is nothing else.” -V.S. Ramachandran
Brain cells. Source:University of Rochester
by Guest Author 7 min read
Some organisms are nothing more than one cell. These tend to be microscopic like bacteria, have short lives and a very restricted repertoire of behaviors. In comparison, multicellular organisms can reach thousands of mets (honey fungus), live virtually forever, (lobsters) and pilot space shuttles (humans). To achieve this complexity, they have to overcome one particularly daunting task: coordinating all their cells.
[Source: Nicholas Wright]
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